Cooking is only one of my pastime passions but one of the most important. I love to eat but moreover I love good quality food that will feed the mind, body and soul.
My passion for cooking started when I was very young and I have my talented creative mother to thank for that. She encouraged me to cook and I often turned the kitchen into a bomb site much to my fathers angst. Bless him, he often would come and clean up after me with only a minor grumble, funnily enough that is what my husband does to. Yes I am a messy cook.
I love the challenge of creating meals from whatever I have in the house. My desire is not based on cost, though it does often come into consideration but more on quality.
We live in a world where there is too much convenience food, food full of fillers and additives. We are often told that there are no preservatives or all natural ingredients, but just because it is a plant does not mean it is good for you. Often the additives are derived from plants using some chemical process.
I started this website 7 years ago because my sewing buddies and I would often chat about food. They often asked me about my recipes so I decided to share on a website. As it turns out it has been very handy for me as well, a great quick go to when I want to remember something I made previously.
I work full time 5 days a week, I am pretty busy all of the time otherwise, I sew my own clothes, go to sewing class, have a number of crochet and knitting projects on the go, currently studying for job enhancement, make my own candles, am building a new business and of course cook everything I can. I love “earthing” myself in the garden and try to get out into it as much as I can.
This is my 3rd incarnation of the website, however the last one was corrupted so I am rebuilding from scratch. Slowly but surely you will see new recipes and posts appearing.
I hope you enjoy the recipes as much as I do.
Blessings to you all and happy, healthy eating.
Katherine Quirke